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Rules and Regulation

  1. 加入本VA者必須是IVAO正式成員,如尚未加入IVAO,請先前往IVAO網站完成註冊申請。

  2. 每人僅得註冊一個帳戶。

  3. 會員註冊時,必須使用真實姓名。

  4. 註冊時,必須提供一個有效的、可用於通訊的電子郵件地址,並負責確保其有效性。

  5. VA成員的最低年齡為17歲。

  6. 不容許任何形式的威脅、敵對或惡劣環境的濫用和/或進攻性通信,無論是公共的還是私有的,不論傳輸方式如何。

  7. 加入本VA者不得同時加入其他VA。

  8. 加入本VA者每半年需執行至少50次航班。

  9. 在使用飛行員連線前,請確保停在機坪,並遵從線上ATC管制指令,違反本VA或IVAO規範者,本VA得處以除名處分。

  10. 本VA將依加入者飛行技能、知識、ATC等授予機師等級。

  11. 本網站內容僅供模擬飛行使用,嚴禁用於真實航空。

  12. 嚴禁有任何犯罪、違反善良風俗、觸犯法律行為發生,如有發現者,一律報警處理。

  13. 基礎訓練學員禁止於任何連線平台環境下駕駛商用客機。

  14. 若因FSA系統有任何不當操作造成受損,會影響系統營收,因此受訓學員須由教官認可下,向簽派中心推薦,方可加入FSA系統。

  15. 需使用以下飛行模擬器之一:Microsoft Flight Simulator、Lockheed Martin Prepar3D、XPlane。

  16. 英語是國際民航組織的官方語言,因此需要基本的英語知識。

  17. 如有未盡事宜,再行修訂公告。

  18. 未詳盡之規定處,以IVAO規定為主。

  1. Joining this VA requires membership with IVAO. If not already a member, please register on the IVAO website first.

  2. Each individual is permitted to register only one account.

  3. Members must use their real names during registration.

  4. A valid email address for communication must be provided during registration, and members are responsible for ensuring its validity.

  5. The minimum age for VA membership is 17.

  6. Any form of abusive or aggressive communication, whether public or private, is strictly prohibited.

  7. Members joining this VA cannot simultaneously join other VAs.

  8. VA members must complete a minimum of 50 flights every six months.

  9. Pilots must ensure they are parked at the apron before connecting and comply with online ATC instructions. Violations may result in expulsion.

  10. Pilot ranks will be awarded based on skills, knowledge, and ATC ratings.

  11. This website is for simulation flying only and may not be used for real aviation purposes.

  12. Engaging in criminal activities, violating public decency, or breaking the law is strictly prohibited and will result in legal action.

  13. Basic training students are prohibited from operating commercial aircraft on any online platform.

  14. Inappropriate use of the FSA system causing damage may require instructor approval and recommendation from the dispatch center for access.

  15. One of the following flight simulators must be used: Microsoft Flight Simulator, Lockheed Martin Prepar3D, or XPlane.

  16. Basic knowledge of English is required as it is the official language of the international civil aviation organization.

  17. Any uncovered matters will be addressed through further revisions.

  18. Unspecified regulations will defer to IVAO regulations.

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